Meet the Maker
Having taught myself the trade of leatherwork with my great grandfather's tools, Halle Sierra Leather was founded in 2022. It started as just an idea, but quickly went from making myself and other family members leather items, to a small handmade leather business owned and operated by myself, Halle Kistler, with the support and help of my husband.
We are currently living in Mandan, ND while I finish my Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Our family currently consists of two horses, Nellie and Ernie, and two dogs, Russell and Waco.
I am extremely passionate about the western industry and working hard to keep the dying trade of leatherwork alive. I am so blessed to have the coolest job ever! I could have never lived out this dream without all the love and support from my customers, and for that I truly thank each and every one of you.